Friday, September 30, 2011

SEO Training Program - Chapter 7

“Don't Get Your Website Banned BY Google... By Accident!”

In the last chapter we talked about the onpage optimization factors that can cause your website to be banned by Google.

Those things included:

  1. Hidden Text
  2. Alt Image spamming
  3. Meta tag stuffing
  4. Title tag stuffing

Which were only a few of the SEO "no-no's" you should stay far away from.

In this chapter I'm going to dive into some of the offpage optimization factors/techniques that you should never ever do. First let's dispel some popular myths.

  • If a "link farm" is linking to your website you'll get penalized and or banned from Google - FALSE
  • If unrelated websites are linking to you, your website will get penalized - FALSE
  • Page Rank 1 websites won't help you because Google does not display Pr1 websites in their backlink list -FALSE 

None of the above are true statements for the simple fact that:

Anything a competitor could do to harm your website will NEVER be penalized by Google.

Think about that for a minute. If any of those could actually penalize your website, how many people do you think would simply add their competitor's websites to link farm websites, unrelated websites, and low PR websites? Unfortunately, it would be quite a few.

The only way you can get penalized by offpage optimization is if YOU link out to "bad neighborhoods", which would be:

  • Link Farms
  • Penalized websites (websites that are "gray barred" by Google) 

Now, you would think this would be a pretty easy thing to stay away from, right? Wrong!


Take this case for example, let’s say I had a website and exchanged links with your website. At the time that we exchanged links, both of our websites were very quality, related websites, with a Google Page Rank of 5. This would be an ideal link trade.

Ok, now several months go by, and in the meantime, I'm doing all kinds of "black-hat SEO”

Note: Black Hat SEO is simply doing all of the things that can get you banned by the search engines. I mentioned many of these in the previous lesson.

After doing all of this Black Hat SEO, Google decides to ban my website, which gives me a
"Gray barred Page Rank"

And I'm no longer in Google's index of websites. I'm completely gone from Google. So what, right? I mean, you could care less since it's not your website...

Well, guess what? You’re still linking to my website, which is now considered to be a "bad neighbor" and you could actually get penalized MAJORLY for linking to me, without even doing anything differently to your own website!

Think about that for a minute...

You could actually drop hundreds of search positions without even knowing what you've done wrong!

That is why it's very important to keep a close eye on who you're linking to. If you a do a link exchange with a website, check back to that website every once in awhile to make sure that they haven't been "gray barred" by Google.

This is one of the top reasons that people get penalized by Google, and the sad part is, they have no idea what they've done wrong because they haven't actually CHANGED anything on their website!

Any easy way to check on your link partners is to use the tool that I mentioned in chapter 4. You can actually use SEO Elite to see if you are linking out to any bad neighbors. If you are, then delete their link immediately and I can almost guarantee you will see an increase in your ranking.

Let's go over how I do this:

(Again, keep in mind that you should just do this manually if you don't have the software.)

  1. Open up SEO Elite

  1. Select radio button 4
  2. Enter one of your links pages into the textbox
  3. Select Google PR from the checkboxes and click "ok” 

SEO Elite Will then visit each website that you are linking to and will tell you whether or not they could be a possible "bad neighbor".

How? Well, let's have a look...

Once SEO Elite is finished processing, click over to the report view tab and look at the column labeled "Google PR”

If you notice any websites with a Google Page Rank of 0, this "could" mean they've been banned by Google. Notice I said it "could" mean this. They could either be banned OR, more likely they're just a new website and their Page Rank hasn't been updated by Google yet.

So, you'll want to write down which websites have a Page Rank of 0.

You'll need to select radio button 6 within SEO Elite . This option will allow you to see if the website is still in Google's index. You'll want to enter all PR0 websites into the textbox, select the Google checkbox, and click "ok".

If Google returns 0 results for the website, that immediately tells you that they've been banned and you should remove their link immediately!

You would be amazed at the number of websites that have no idea why they aren't ranking well, when they've followed ALL of the good SEO practices I've taught. If this is you and you're still not ranking well, I would venture to say that you might be linking out to a penalized and/or banned website.

So, how do you ensure yourself, 100% that you're not linking to a
"bad neighbor"? I have just the solution...

Let's sidebar for just a moment.

For those of you that are already familiar with getting other websites to link to you, you know that you can search Google for websites that have forms that you can actually submit your link

 You'll notice that you cane enter the:

  1. Name of your site (The anchor text)
  2. The URL of your website
  3. The Description of your website
  4. URL where your site reciprocates
  5. (The location on your website where you've added their link)

This is a GREAT way to get links to your website when you're first beginning. A great trick to find an enormous amount of websites with web forms like the one above is to do the following.

1.)           Go to Google
2.)           Enter the following search phrase EXACTLY as shown below:

Keyword “Please also suggests my link to the Directory."

Note: Replace "Keyword" with whatever keyword you want to find websites that are related to that keyword... If I wanted to find weight loss related websites I would enter: Weight Loss "Please also suggest my link to the Directory."

3.)           Once you've done that and clicked submit, Google will return a giant list of websites that have link submission forms and you can submit your link to! Do this, as it's a little known secret to gathering a lot of links.

Also, there is another free way to get a lot of links to your website...

There is a website that will actually allow you to trade links with other websites that are completely related to your website AND are actively interested in trading links.

Each member has a "rating", similar to an Ebay rating. The rating will tell you how many link exchange requests they've gotten, as well as how many of those link exchange requests they've actually exchanged links with.

Simply, exchange links with the websites with high ratings and you're virtually guaranteed a response! Plus, all of the contacting of websites is done through our website, so you'll NEVER get in trouble for spam.

You'll notice the website above has had 5 link exchange requests and has honored all 5 of them. They would be a good website to exchange links with.

You could easily get 100s of reciprocal links in less than a week. Even less than a few days, to be honest.

Now, the website is brand spankin' new, and already has thousands of websites that you can trade links with. So, I highly suggest you visit the site, sign up for FREE, and start trading links. If anything, once you sign up, you'll probably just be able to sit back and other members will contact YOU to trade links!

I've been signed up for about 2 days and have over 20 new links to my website with almost no effort on my part. The only thing I've done is add their link to my website after they add mine to theirs!

So... what's the website?

Here are two short demo videos that have been created to show you the simple process of exchanging links via this site:

Demo Video 1 (Request a Link Exchange)

Demo Video 2 (Approve a Link Request)

Again, I highly suggest you take advantage of this completely FREE resource while it's still free.

SEO Training Program - Chapter 8

“Possibly The Biggest Misconception About Ranking Well In The Search Engines...”

In previous chapters I've taught you different optimization strategies. I've taught you the difference between onpage search engine optimization and offpage search engine optimization.

Quick Review

Onpage search engine optimization are things that you can change ON your webpage.

  • Title tag 
  • Header tags 
  • Bolding, Italicizing, Underlining 
  • Alt image tags 
  • Meta Tags 
  • Etc.

Offpage search engine optimization comes down to basically 1 thing, which websites are linking to your wesbite and how they're doing it.

  • Anchor text uses in your link
  • The title of the page your link is on 
  • The page rank of the page your link is on 
  • The "theme" of the website your link is on 
  • Etc 

By now, I'm hoping you see that it's the offpage search engine optimization factors that will get your website to the top of the search engines. Again, the onpage factors are things you SHOULD do, but are not nearly as important as the offpage factors.

Ok... Let me show you why.

Let's analyze a website!

In this example I'm going to analyze the #1 ranked website on Google for the search term
"click here". First, let's go to Google and enter "click here".

You'll notice that the #1 ranked website is That's interesting...

Now, why would rank #1 for that search term? I would think would rank well for terms like:

  • graphic design program 
  • create printable documents 
  • web design programs 

and other keywords related to what they sell...

A few things that you should notice by looking at the picture above.

1.)           The word "click here" isn't in the page title

2.)           The word "click here" isn't in the URL of the website.

3.)           The word "click here" isn't even in the description listed by Google!

Now, let's click on the listing in Google and check out the actual webpage.

Now, get this... The words "click here" aren't even on the webpage, anywhere!

If all of those onpage optimization techniques that many SEO companies talk about were true, then don't you think a different website would rank #1 for this term?

Onpage optimization factors like:

  • keyword density
  • keyword prominence
  • keyword proximity
  • bolding, italicizing, underlining
  • etc.

are NOT critical to worry about when trying to rank well for a search term.

Yes, you should sprinkle your keyword throughout the webpage and do the other onpage optimization techniques I've taught you in previous lessons, but again, I really want to drill this into your head. It is the off page optimization that will increase your rankings in the search engines; specifically Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

Then why exactly does rank #1 on Google for the term "click here"? It's because of their links! Who is linking to them AND how they're doing it!
Let's open up SEO Elite so I can give you a visual of what I mean.

When it's finished running, let's click on the "report view" tab to view some of the results.

The first thing you should notice is the Google Page Rank of all of the pages linking to If you click the column heading within SEO Elite labeled "Google PR", it will sort the column in descending order.

You can see that the pages linking to have an extremely high Page Rank. Any website with a Page Rank of 6 or higher are VERY high page ranks. There are only a handful of PR9 websites on the entire internet and a few are actually linking to!

Next, let's click the "analysis view" tab.

 If we click the column heading titled "anchor text", it will sort this column in descending order. We can quickly see that the words "click" and "here" are within the top 10 words listed in the left hand column.

Remember, the anchor text column will show you the number of times the word in the "Word" column appears in the actual anchor text of the link pointing to

Anchor Text:

Example) Click here to download Adobe Acrobat Reader... "Click here" is the anchor text in the example above.

So, by looking at the analysis above, we can see that the word "click" appeared in 16 of the links pointing to and 6.8% of the total links pointing to contained the keyword "click". The keyword "here" was found in 34 links pointing to and appeared 14.5% of the time.

Reason is ranked #1

The main two reasons that is ranked #1 for the keyword "click here" is because:

1.)           The websites linking to are very quality (have a high Page Rank)
2.)           The websites linking to used the keywords "click" and "here"many times in the anchor     text of the links linking to

There are a few other offpage optimization factors that help to rank #1, but those are the main two reasons. I hope you can clearly see the power of offpage optimization (linking).

So, the next time someone asks you what is the proper keyword density, the proper keyword prominence, the proper number of times you need to bold, italicize, or underline a keyword on your page...

You can tell them that onpage optimization is NOT critical when ranking well for a given search term and the anwer is in properly planned OFFPAGE OPTIMIZATION.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

SEO Training Program - Chapter 9

“What You Must Do To Rank Well For Your Inner Web Pages...”

Now that you know how to rank well for your homepage (index.htm page), I'd like to focus on various things you MUST do to rank well for your inner pages. In order to do this, I'd like to use one website as an example of how you should structure your internal linking within your website and one website showing you what NOT to do. I think you'll be surprised to know that over 90% of all websites on the internet don't have proper internal linking throughout their website.

Note: Internal Linking is the way you link to other pages within your own website.

You might recall in previous lessons that I taught you the importance of using your main keyword(s) in the anchor text of links pointing to your website. Anchor text is the single most important factor for ranking well in the search engines. Not only must you get links containing your main keyword(s) in the anchor text, from other websites, but you should also link to other webpages within your own website, using your main keyword(s) in the anchor text.

Let's do a quick example.

A website that has an excellent internal linking structure is:

This is an internet marketing related website owned and created by a guy by the name of Michael Wong. Michael Wong is actually a well-respected search engine optimizer, so he knows was he's doing when it comes to internal linking

If we take a quick look at Michael's website, you can see that in the right hand column he links to all other pages within his website, using the main keywords he is trying to optimize each webpage for.

For example, he has optimized many of his internal pages for various Internet Marketing names:

  • Armond Morin
  • Marlon Sanders
  • Corey Rudl
  • Ken Evoy
  • Neil Shearing
  • Perry Marshal

                                 Onpage Analysis

Let's take a look at one of these pages. If we click on the link that says "Marlon Sanders", it will take us to the webpage that Michael has optimized for the keyword "Marlon Sanders".

You'll notice immediately that Michael is doing many of the onpage ranking techniques that I've previously taught you.

He's placed "Marlon Sanders" in the page title.

He's placed "Marlon Sanders" within <h1> header tags and has placed it in the top left hand section of his page.

He's bolded the word "Marlon Sanders" and mentions the word throughout the page.

Now... as I mentioned before, onpage ranking factors are things you should do, but that alone won't get you to the top of the search engines for the keyword.

Important: Remember, it's the links, the links, the links... Let's plug Michael's site into SEO Elite
To give you a quick visual of the anchor text being used to link to this web page.

If we sort the "anchor text" column in ascending order, we can see all of the links pointing to this page, contain the keyword "Marlon Sanders".

Now, let's scroll over the left hand column and sort this in ascending order. Notice that MANY of the pages linking to his Marlon Sanders web page are actually pages from within his own website! Each webpage from within his own site also counts as a "vote" for his Marlon Sanders web page.

Remember, the more "votes" or links, you can get pointing to your web page, generally, the higher will be your search engine rankings!

Lastly, let's have a quick look at the Analysis View tab within SEO Elite .

Well look here, you'll see that the top two keywords are

  •     Marlon
  •     Sanders
The keywords "Marlon" and "Sanders" appear 139 times in the anchor text linking to Michael's
Marlon Sanders web page.

Now, do you think it's safe to assume that Michael's webpage is ranked #1 in Google for this keyphrase? Let's have a look.

Go to Google and enter: Marlon Sanders and see whose webpage comes up at the top.

I'll save you the trouble. Have a look below:

What got Michael's page to the top? Several things, but the most important of which is his internal linking from within his website. This is something you could VERY easily duplicate, and should duplicate for your own market. Chances are, nobody else is doing this!

As I mentioned before, Michael is a professional search engine optimizer, so he's a good person to model your internal linking after. Michael is also the author of a pretty solid search engine optimization eBook titled:  

You could probably gleam some things from it.

What NOT to do...

 Now, let's take a look at what NOT to do... We're going to be looking at:

This is your typical, "pretty" looking website that probably gets no traffic and is nowhere to be found in the 
search engines, for any keyword.

Can you see some of the things they're doing wrong?

Their page title is This serves no purpose. No one would ever search for that keyword.

They aren't using any <h1> tags, alt tags, bolding, italicizing, or underlining

Most of the main text on the page is actual just a large header graphic image.

And MANY other things... but you get the point.

Concerning their internal linking strategy, you can see that their navigational links aren't text! They're just graphics... This serves no purpose, but to look pretty. They're wasting "votes" that they could be casting for their internal web pages.

 I think it would be safe to say that this website isn't ranked for any of the keywords in their navigational images at the top of their website

  1.                 Home
  2.                 Consulting Services
  3.                 Business Products
  4.                 Our Experience
  5.                 Etc.

But let's just have a quick look and use SEO Elite to see if they're ranked anywhere in the top
1,000 websites on ANY of the major search engines.

  1.    We'll select Radio button 5
  2.      Enter their URL into SEO Elite
  3. .    Enter "Consulting Services”
  4.       Select All search engines and click "go".

We'll then click on the report tab to view the results.

How about that? They're nowhere to be found in the top 1,000 websites. So, we can clearly see what NOT to do and now know what TO do.

Remember, if you can "vote" for an inner webpage on your website by using your main keyword in the anchor text within the link linking to that page, ALWAYS do it. As we've seen from Michael Wong's website, doing this can help you rank at the top for keywords that may not have a lot of competition, like the keyword "Marlon Sanders".

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

SEO Training Program - Chapter 10

“The Cold Hard Facts About Google Page Rank
And How To Use It To 1-Up Your Competitors!”

The purpose of this lesson is to teach you the following:

1.       Exactly what Google Page Rank is
2.       How page rank is calculated
3.       How to funnel page rank to your "money pages" (most important pages)
4.       How funneling page rank properly can actually increase your website's ranking

I often find myself hearing the same questions over and over again...

Many people think Page Rank is simply where their website ranks in the search engines. Google Page Rank would then mean where they rank in Google. For example, if I had a Google Page Rank of 5, that would mean that I ranked #5 in Google for my keyword.

This is completely wrong... Google Page Rank has  nothing to do with where you are ranked in Google for your specific keyword or keyword phrase.

In previous lessons we went over, very briefly, what Page Rank is and how you can view the Page Rank of your webpage. But because I'm writing this article on Google Page Rank, I'm going to quickly repeat a few things.

What is Google Page Rank?

·         Google Page Rank is simply Google's way of displaying how important a webpage is. Google assumes that when 1 webpage links to another webpage, it's actually "casting a vote" for the webpage. The more votes you have for your webpage, the more important your webpage will be.
·         Google also takes into account the importance of other website's pages linking to your own webpage. If many webpages link to the website's webpage linking to you (i.e. They have a lot of "votes") then their vote will be of more importance and will increase your Page Rank more.See images below for a visual representation of what I mean...

In the pictures below, Site A will pass more Page Rank to your website because more websites are linking (voting) for them.

Wheras site B only has 2 votes (links).

Site A has 4 votes (links), therefor Site A is more important than site B which only has 2 votes

For example, let's say that a town was voting on whether or not they wanted to pass a certain law. Their were 3 parties voting.

                The Leader (Ruler)
                The Council
                The Citizens

Now, whose vote would count for more? I would guess that the Leader's vote would count for much more than both the council and the citizens. The leader is obviously more important that both of the others. The council and the citizens' votes would still count for something, but just not as much as the Leader's vote.

Page Rank works in a similar way. A link or "vote" from those pages that are more important will increase your page rank and "count for more" than those pages that aren't as important. Remember, in order to tell how important a webpage is, simply count the number of pages linking (voting) to that page, AND also the importance of those pages voting for that page.

Makes sense.

Google Toolbar (Yes, we've already covered this... but just for a quick refresh before we dive into the more complex stuff.)

To see the Google Page Rank of your website, you must download the Google toolbar. You can download this for free by clicking the link below:

 Once you have installed the Google toolbar, it will place a toolbar within your web browser, in this case, Internet Explorer as shown below.

Notice the small green bar that says PageRank. If you hover your mouse over the green bar, you will see your Google Page Rank as shown below.

How is Page Rank Calculated?

Ok, now let's talk about "almost" EXACTLY how page rank is calculated. Over 99% of the webmasters on the internet do not understand how Page Rank(PR) is calculated. I'm going to refer to Page Rank as PR throughout the rest of this lesson, for the sake of not having to type it over and over.

So, why does it matter how PR is calculated?

It matters because you can use this knowledge to actually funnel PR throughout your website and give different pages on your site a higher PR. The higher your PR is, the higher your webpage will rank in Google.

Here is the Google Page Rank Formula, and I'm warning you... This might get a little nerdy, but bear with me. I'll make everything very understandable

Page Rank formula

0.15 + (0.85 * (a "share" of the PR of every webpage that links to it)) = Your Webpage's PR

0.15 = The lowest PR a webpage could ever possibly have.

0.85 = A dampening factor... This is just the number that Google uses for their PR formula. 1

"share" = the PR of the page linking to you divided by the total number of links on that page.

Now, let's look at a quick example.

Say we've created our website and it has 3 pages in total. For sake of making the math easy, we'll start each webpage with a page rank of 1.

  1.                 Page A
  2.                 Page B
  3.                 Page C 

None of the pages link to each other. They're just pure content webpages with no links to any other pages within our website. Let's quickly calculate the PR of our pages by using the formula above.

0.15 + (0.85 * 0) = .15

Because no webpages link to our pages, there is no "share of PR"... hence it is 0.
So... If we do the math, we come up with a PR of .15 for each of our pages. Not very good huh?

Now, let's see what happens if we link page A to page B.

Using our formula we get:

1.                       Page A: 0.15 + (.85 * 0) = .15

2.                       Page B: 0.15 + (0.85 * (1/1)) = 1

3.                       Page C: 0.15 + (.85 * 0) = .15

You can see that by just linking page A to page B, we've changed the PR of page B from .15 all the way up to 1. Big difference!

With our newly calculated Page Ranks for all of our pages, let's do the calculation again. By doing so, we'll slowly get to the "true page rank" of all of our pages... The more iterations we do, the more gradual the change will be between each iteration.

a.       Page A: 0.15 + (.85 * 0) = .15

b.      Page B: 0.15 + (0.85 * (.15/1)) = .2775

c.       Page C: 0.15 + (.85 * 0) = .15

You can see that after another iteration of our formula, the PR of page B dropped significantly... This number is closer to the actual Page Rank that Google would give page B.

Note: You can keep going through the formula and you'll notice that the change will be smaller after each iteration...

Now, let's try something different and link all pages to and from one another...

  1.      Page A: 0.15 + (0.85 * (1/2)) = .575
  2.    Page B: 0.15 + (0.85 * (1/2)) = .575
  3.    Page C: 0.15 + (0.85 * (1/2)) = .575

After 1 iteration the Page Rank of all pages is .575.

So, by linking ALL pages together we have maximized the page rank from within our website! You can play around with your linking throughout your website and by doing so, you can send more PR to pages you want to rank higher for, and lowering the PR of those pages you don't care much about their ranking :-)

This can be extremely powerful.

Was that over your head?

If so, don't despair. The first time I learned how Page Rank was calculated, I didn't understand it either. Just keep re-reading what I've written and give it a try with your webpages and it will eventually all make perfect sense.

 Ready for an extremely powerful trick that I use on all of my websites?

Remember that in the Page Rank formula:

0.15 + (0.85 * (a "share" of the PR of every webpage that links to it)) = Your Webpage's PR

The "share of PR of every webpage that links to it" is calculated by taking the current Page
Rank of the webpage and dividing it by the total number of links on the page...

So, by removing ALL unnecessary links on a page, you will be able to pass more Page Rank to the other pages that you link to... Why is this important? Remember, the higher the Page Rank a page has, the better it will rank.

So, what are unnecessary links? Unnecessary links could be when you link to another website (link partner) and they don't link back to you. By linking out to a "link partner", you're giving them a percentage of your Page Rank that you could be passing to other pages within YOUR website. If this "link partner" isn't linking back to your website, there is no need to ever link to them. You're just hurting your ranking by doing so!

I have seen websites move up hundreds of positions by simply looking at their links pages and making sure that their link partners are all linking back. If they're not, then you should ALWAYS remove them from your links page. In doing so, you are guaranteed to benefit from this.

A day before writing this, I went through all of my links pages and validated that all of my link partners were still linking back. If they weren't, I removed them. I checked my rankings in Google today and they gone up over 10 positions since yesterday! Yes, this could be mere coincidence, but it's happened numerous times to other websites of mine.

I can't stress enough the importance of monitoring these link partners.

Let's do an example: Looking at this links page:
If we go to the page, you can see that they link out to 6 websites:

TIP: Now, we could visit each of these websites manually and search through their entire sites, which could have thousands of pages... to find our link. This could take a very long time. Again, this is where I use SEO Elite to do the hard work. All you have to do is enter the main links page: 

( and SEO Elite will go through all of your link partners and will tell you if they're still linking back!

Remember, the purpose of doing this is IF the website is not linking back to us, we can remove their link from our webpage, thus we'd be passing Page Rank to our OWN website's pages, rather than passing that portion of Page Rank to this "link partner's" site. If they're not linking back to us (passing PR back to us) then why should WE send them some of our website's Page Rank? We shouldn't...

1) Open up SEO Elite

2) Select radio button 4

3) Enter the links page into SEO Elite and click "ok"...

Once SEO Elite is finished running, it will quickly tell us whether or not these sites are still linking back to us, as shown below...

Notice that only 2 of these sites are still linking back!

They must have removed our link from their website without us knowing about it. We can remove all of the other links, and this alone will allow us to pass more PR to our own webpages within our site and will help us rank better immediately!

This is a HUGE secret that not many webmasters know about... Now, I don't want this secret getting out to everyone, so keep this to yourself. Give it a try, you can go through your links pages manually which will work just fine, or you can use SEO Elite . Either way works just as well as the other. The main thing is to DO THIS!

 Final Summary

Ok, now that you've gone through this eBook, I can guarantee you that you know more than 99% of all webmaster's online. You now know how to completely smoke your competitors in the search engine war and you're virtually GUARANTEED success if you follow all of the advice taught in this course.

As I said in the beginning of this eBook, it is absolutely critical that you take this advice seriously and actually put into action EVERYTHING you've learned. Some of it may seem simple, and some might seem a bit complex, but just take everything 1 step at a time.

 EVERTHING I've taught you works, and works extremely well, so now you have no excuses for grabbing that top ranking for whatever keyword you choose! Don't be that 99% of webmasters that are too lazy to actually do anything with what they learn and get out there and start dominating those search engines!

All the best.