Sunday, October 2, 2011

SEO Training Program - Chapter 4

“How To Skyrocket Your Website To The Top Of Google With Properly Planned Offpage Optimization!”

I don't know about you, but I get extremely excited when I see my new keywords at the top of Google for the very first time. Making big changes in ranking is primarily done by what is called offpage optimization.

Earlier I mentioned there were two types of search engine optimization.

  • Onpage  Optimization
  • Offpage Optimization

We've gone over onpage optimization, so let's move on to offpage optimization which is what really makes a HUGE difference in your site's ranking.

Properly planned offpage optimization will make the difference between your website ranking
#900, and ranking #1 on Google!

So, what is offpage optimization anyway? Offpage optimization basically consists of all of the ranking factors that are NOT located on your webpage, that the search engines look at when ranking a website.

These include:

  1. Which websites link to you
  2. The number of websites linking to you
  3. The Google     of the website linking to you
  4. The page title of the website linking to you
  5. The anchor text used in the link linking to you
  6. The number and type of links linking to the website that's linking to you.
  7. The number of outbound links on the website that is linking to you
  8. The total number of links on the website that is linking to you
  9. Whether or not the websites linking to you are deemed by Google as an authority website.
  10. The IP Address of the websites linking to you.
  11. Plus some other things that we'll get to later...

In order to optimize our original website for the keyword "weight loss stories", we need to analyze the offpage optimization techniques of the top 10 ranked websites for our keyword.

Copy The Top Ranked Websites To Get A #1 Position

The goal here will be to copy exactly what they're doing, and then do things slightly better. We want to give Google exactly what they want, by making our offpage optimization as close to the top ranked websites as possible, but as I said, slightly better, we'll edge them out and rank better.

 Let's change gears and analyze the top ranked website for the keyword, "diet information" because this is a much more competitive keyword that "weight loss stories" and it will help illustrate the kind of offpage optimization that you'll need to rank high in the search engines.

 As I mentioned above, we'll need to analyze a bunch of things about the #1 ranked website for the term "diet information" (

 Again, these things include:

  1. Which websites link to them
  2. The number of websites linking to them
  3. The Google of  the website linking to them
  4. The page title of the website linking to them
  5. The anchor text used in the link linking to them
  6. The number and type of links linking to the website that's linking to them
  7. The number of outbound links on the website that is linking to them
  8. The total number of links on the website that is linking to them
  9. Whether or not the websites linking to them are deemed by Google as an authority website
  10. The IP Address of the websites linking to them.

Which websites link to them

In order to do this, we'll go to Google and enter the following into the searchbox:

This will bring back a list of websites that back a link pointing to These are's link partners. You'll notice that Google says there are about 461 webpages linking to

Now that we have the list of websites, we'll need to analyze the quality of these websites in great detail.

The Number of Websites linking to them

Google shows that there are about 461 websites linking to them.

The Google Page Rank of the websites linking to them.

If we click on one of the webpages listed above: 

( we'll see that the Page Rank of this page is 2.

The page title of the website linking to them

We'll not that the page title of this webpage is "Healthy Nutrition with Herbalife Products - Recommended Links".

Notice that the page title doesn't include's main keyword "diet information". You'll want to try to get websites to link to you from pages that contain your main keyword in their page title.

The anchor text used in the link linking to them

Anchor text plays an extremely important roll in ranking well in Google.

Note: Anchor text is the actual text located within the link linking to For example, in this example:diet information is helpful.

Diet Information” - the anchor text.

Ok, now let's look at the webpage above and find where the link to is located... See below:

You'll notice that the anchor text being used is "Diet Information"... Hmm... How about that? The keyword they're ranked #1 on happens to be the exact anchor text that they're using for this link. Keep that in mind.

The number and type of links linking to the website that's linking to them

Next we need to find the number of webpages linking to the page linking to Again, this page is:

So, we'll simply do the same thing we did with to get their list of link partners.

 We'll go to Google and enter: to see how many webpages link to the main domain that our link is located on.

Note that Google says there are about 18 webpages linking to

The number of outbound links on the website that is linking to them
Ok, now we'll need to actually count the number of links on this page:

By "outbound links", I mean the links that are pointing to other websites, other than pages within

The total number of outbound links is: 26

The total number of links on the website that is linking to them

This is the total number of links... which includes the "outbound links" from above AND the inbound links (links pointing to pages within this website)

The total number of links on the page is: 59

Note: You'll want to try to get links from webpages that have as few total links as possible on the page. I'll go into why in later chapters.

Whether or not the websites linking to them are deemed by Google as an authority website

This one can be a bit tricky. The idea behind this is that Google views websites that are ranked high in the search engines AND contain lots of content AND have high Page Rank's to be authority websites. For this, I like to use the following free tool.

You can enter the top 10 domains for a specific keyword and the hub finder will find all common websites that link to each of the top 10 sites... Those websites are possible "hubs" or authority sites.

The IP Address of the webpages linking to them.

To do this we'll need to use some type of program that will tell us the IP Address of this webpage linking to My favorite tool is:

This tool will allow you to enter a URL and it will let you know what the IP Address of that
URL is.

Note: It's important to get links from as many different IP Addresses as possible.

So, if we go to this website and enter we'll see that the IP Address of this site is:

Ok, just to review what we've managed to gather thus far:

  1. There are 461 webpages listed by Google that are linking to
  2. The Google Page Rank of 1 of those websites is 2
  3. The anchor text of the link pointing to is "Diet Information”
  4. The title of that webpage linking to is "Healthy Nutrition with
  5. Herbalife Products - Recommended Links”
  6. The number of links shown by Google that are linking to that website
  7. ( is 18
  8. The number of outbound links on that webpage is 26
  9. The total number of links on that webpage is 59
  10. The IP Address of this website is 

You'll want to open up an excel spreadsheet and keep track of ALL of this information as you
 go... Once you've finished with (, you'll want to move on to
 the next "link partner" on the list below, and do the exact same thing with this one.

Yes, this can be a time consuming process, but in order to rank well, you must know EXACTLY how the top ranked websites are optimizing their offpage ranking factors, because that is what's getting them top rankings.

Here's the good news... When I personally analyze websites I don't do this all manually. I did when I first got started doing search engine optimization a long time ago, but since then I've gotten smart and realized there was an easier way to do this.

I use a software program called SEO Elite to do everything I just mentioned above. It's not a free tool, but it's well worth the money for the time it can save you. Let me quickly show you how to use SEO Elite to automate everything I taught above. I do want to stress that it's NOT critical to have SEO Elite , but sure saves a lot of time.

Using SEO Elite to automate everything...

First we need to go to Google and enter the search term 'diet information'. You'll see that the number one ranked website is

Next, we need to open up SEO Elite.

Select radio button 1 - Analyze backlinks using a specific search engine.

  • Enter into the domain to analyze textbox.
  • Select the search engine, Google, by checking the checkbox.
  • Click ok. 

What SEO Elite will do is analyze ALL of the offpage ranking factors that I mentioned above. Again, these things include:

  1. Which websites link to them
  2. The number of websites linking to them
  3. The Google     of the website linking to them
  4. The page title of the website linking to them
  5. The anchor text used in the link linking to them
  6. The number and type of links linking to the website that's linking to them
  7. The number of outbound links on the website that is linking to them
  8. The total number of links on the website that is linking to them
  9. Whether or not the websites linking to them are deemed by Google as as authority website.
  10. The IP Address of the webpage linking to them 

SEO Elite Will show you everything they're doing to rank well and will make it extremely easy for you to duplicate on your own website!

 Once SEO Elite is finished processing, we can click over to the report view tab as shown

Report View

The report view will show us an enormous amount of important information we'll need to know to outrank this website.

First let's look at the Anchor Text column.

As I mentioned above, anchor text plays an extremely important roll in ranking well in Google and the other major search engines.

Take a look at this webpage that is linking to Notice that the anchor text is
"diet information"

While looking at the report view within SEO Elite , you'll notice that has hundreds of backlinks that contain the words "diet information" within their anchor text. This is a BIG plus for them and something you'll want to duplicate!

Now, let's scroll to the left and look at the IP Address column.

* Google favors websites that have many links located on different IP Addresses.

If you think about it, it makes sense that Google gives priority to websites that have links on many IP Addresses rather than many links all on the same IP Address. This helps eliminate the possibility of people controlling the search engines.

If Google didn't look at IP Addresses, I could simply create 1 website with thousands of pages and link to another 1 of my websites from all of these pages. I would then have thousands of links pointing to my website, which would probably result in a #1 ranking...

Unfortunately, Google's smarter than that and doing that won't work, because ALL of your link partners would have the same IP Address, because they'd all be coming from your other website.

Anyway, back to the IP Addresses. As we scroll over, click the "IP Address" column heading to sort the column, we'll notice that also has many links from different IP Addresses. That's also a BIG plus for them.

Next, we'll look at the column titled Page Rank.

If we click the Page Rank column heading, it will sort the column for us. You can immediately see that has 2 links from 2 Page Rank 7 websites.

This is very good, in that it will raise's Page Rank and ultimately their ranking.

Note: When you get a website with a high Page Rank to link to your website, it will increase your page rank more than if a lower page rank website were to link to you. Think of the high Page Rank website as a bucker of water. When they link to you, they poor a certain percentage of the water into your bucket, giving you more water (Page Rank). If a website with a lower Page Rank links to you, they have less water to begin with, so when they poor water into your bucket, it won't be nearly as much...

Analysis View

Next we'll take a look at the Analysis View tab.

If we click on the column heading titled "Anchor Text", it will sort the column in descending order. You can see that the 2 words that are found the most often in's backlink anchor text are the words "diet" and "information".

98.5% of the overall backlinks pointing to the word "diet" and 85.6% of the backlinks contain the word "information". Also listed is the total number of links containing each of these words.
This is just another way of showing you why is outranking their competitors. You will want to try and copy these percentages when you optimize your own website and get
others websites to link to you.

Again, you can do all of this manually within an Excel spreadsheet if you wish to do so... It's just a matter of doing a little math.

If your percentages are too high, Google may think you are "spamming" and may not give you as high of a rank as you deserve.
If your percentages are too low, Google won't think your website is important enough to rank highly.

Lastly, we'll click the column heading titled "Title" to sort it in descending order. You can see that the word "diet" is still the top word, at 38% and "information" is still towards the top at

The same thing goes for this column. You should try to match these numbers with your own website as closely as possible.

These are just a few of the things that we can quickly see about by using only a few of the features within SEO Elite

Now, I want to mention that it is not 100% necessary to use SEO Elite in order to analyze your competitor's to outrank them... but IT IS necessary to analyze your competitors. You can do everything manually that SEO Elite will do for you automatically. So, whether or not you have the software is not important. The important thing to note is that you MUST analyze those top ranked websites to see what they're doing to rank well.

To summarize, you've learned that the main offpage optimization factors are:

  1. Which websites link to you
  2. The number of websites linking to you
  3. The Google  of the website linking to you
  4. The page title of the website linking to you
  5. The anchor text used in the link linking to you
  6. The number and type of links linking to the website that's linking to you.
  7. The number of outbound links on the website that is linking to you
  8. The total number of links on the website that is linking to you
  9. Whether or not the websites linking to you are deemed by Google as an authority website.
  10. The IP Address of the websites linking to you.
  11. Plus some other things that we'll get to later...

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